The infographics below explain what both of our Community Transport services are and how they work.
Communicars Has Been Supporting Communities For Over 20 Years
Communicars has been a vital service in the communities of Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale for over 20 years. The service is a lifeline for many and ensures that people who would otherwise struggle to get out and about aren't stuck in an isolated situation. Communicars helps people to get to appointments and be socially active. Being socially active has many positive benefits towards health and wellbeing. The infographic below shows the last 5 years of performance and demonstrates how crucial Communicars is in our communities.
Volunteers Are Vital
Community Transport relies on volunteers and here at BPRCVS we are very proud of our highly valued volunteers. Without them we wouldn't be able to operate these services and many people would be left socially isolated and in a poorer state of health and wellbeing as a result.
So why volunteer? We've pulled together the reasons why they do it from 5 of our Communicars drivers, and 6 reasons to start your volunteering journey with Communicars.
More From Our Volunteer Drivers
We've spoken to our volunteer drivers and pulled together a range of case studies which demonstrate the variety of reasons why they volunteer as drivers, but also, and more importantly, the value and benefits they gain from being a Communicars or minibus driver.
We've also included a case study on our award-winning drivers, what the minibus enables Friends Reminisce to do, and the value and benefits of being a volunteer minibus driver for good measure!
What our Passengers Think About Volunteer Drivers
Feeling Inspired?
If you've been inspired by any of the stories above and would like to get involved, we're always on the lookout for new volunteer drivers to join our Community Transport services.
We've put together a couple of infographics; one for each of Communicars and the minibus to show just how easy it is to give the gift of a lift and turn miles into smiles.